UNNES CONFERENCE, Seminar Nasional MIPA 2016

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Kegiatan Sit In di Hiroshima University sebagai Wahana Pengembangan Penalaran dan Wawasan Global Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika UNNES
Anggyi Trisnawan Putra, Endang Sugiharti, Much Aziz Muslim, Isa Akhlis, Budi Prasetiyo

Last modified: 2017-03-27


Untuk menambah penalaran dan wawasan mahasiswa, maka mahasiswa perlu diajak untuk mengunjungi kegiatan perkuliahan di negara tetangga melalui kegiatan sit in. Permasalahannya, bagaimana mengembangkan penalaran dan wawasan mahasiswa Teknik Informatika FMIPA UNNES melalui kegiatan sit in di Hiroshima University. Tujuannya agar mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan (1) penalaran melalui kegiatan sit in; (2) wawasan melalui kegiatan sit in. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitiannya adalah sebagai berikut. (1) Dapat dikembangkan penalaran mahasiswa Teknik Informatika FMIPA UNNES melalui kegiatan sit in di Hiroshima University. Hal ini ditandai dengan: mahasiswa dapat mengungkap isi kurikulum yang diberlakukan di Hiroshima University, mahasiswa dapat mengungkap tingkat kedalaman materi perkuliahan di Hiroshima University, dan mahasiswa dapat mengungkap kelengkapan sarana dan prasarana perkuliahan di Hiroshima University. (2) Dapat dikembangkan wawasan mahasiswa Teknik Informatika FMIPA Universitas Negeri Semarang melalui kegiatan Sit in di Hiroshima University. Hal ini ditandai dengan: mahasiswa dapat mengungkap tujuan mahasiswa kuliah di Hiroshima University, mahasiswa dapat mengungkap peluang kerja, dan mahasiswa dapat mengungkap peluang-peluang kerja sama lanjutan pasca kegiatan sit in di Hiroshima University.

In order to improve the reasoning and insight of the students, the student should be invited to visit lectures in neighboring countries through sit-ins. The problem is, how to develop reasoning and insight into students of Technical Information Mathematics and Science Faculty UNNES through sit-in at Hiroshima University. The goal is to allow students to develop (1) reasoning through sit-in; (2) insight through sit-ins. This research was conducted through a qualitative approach. Research results are as follows. (1) Student of Technical Information Mathematics and Science Faculty UNNES can improve reasoning through sit-in at Hiroshima University. It is showed by: students can reveal the content of the curriculum in Hiroshima University, students can reveal the depth of lecture material at Hiroshima University, and students can uncover completeness of facilities and infrastructure lectures at Hiroshima University. (2) students of Technical Information Mathematics and Science Faculty UNNES can improve insight through Sit-in at Hiroshima University. It is showed by: a student can reveal the students goal in studying at Hiroshima University, students can uncover employment opportunities, and students can uncover opportunities for further cooperation after sit-in at Hiroshima University.

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