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Author Guidelines

General requirements

a) The manuscript is written in Indonesian or English with a density of 1 line spacing, font Times New Roman 12, A4 size paper, the format of the column, and the margins (top 4 cm; left 4 cm; bottom 3 cm; right 3 cm).

b) The length of between 20-25 pages scientific manuscripts, including pictures, graphs or tables (if any) that accompany it.

c) The terms in a foreign language or regional language in the text in italics ( italic ).

d) review of the literature ( literature review ) is not listed as part of the structure of the article. Literature citations are considered important can be integrated in the introduction or in the discussion. Literature citations as necessary in the discussion and that preferably is a discussion on the results of its own analysis of the data found.

Structure of Scientific Articles

Manuscript structure the research consisted of 10 main parts:

  1. Title
  2. Ownership line (Name, Address Institution, E-mail);
  3. Abstract;
  4. Keywords;
  5. Preliminary;
  6. Research methods;
  7. Results and Discussion;
  8. Conclusion;
  9. Acknowledgements, and
  10. Bibliography.

(1) Title

1) The title is made concise and informative, with a word count of no more than 12 words. Avoid common words and mention of an object, a place or a very detailed research material.

2) The title contains the key words of the topics studied.

3) The font Times New Roman 14, with line spacing one space.

4) Avoid using abbreviations, formulas and references.


  1. Original Research Title: REVIEW OF POLICY diversion sociological juridical FOR CHILDREN IN LAW NUMBER 11 OF 2012 CONCERNING CHILD CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM

(2) Line of ownership ( authorship lines )

a) The line of ownership consists of two parts, the author's name and institutional affiliation of the author.

b) Affiliate students attend institutions where learning is concerned.

c) Name of the author only include the name of the person who actually participated in the planning, execution, results analysis, discussion, and report writing.

d) a bachelor's degree should not be specified.

e) Name of institution listed in full until the country name, written under the name of the author and postal address, email and fax (if any) for the purposes of correspondence.


Alaudin Alam

Faculty of Law, State University of Semarang

Building K 1 have now, Gunungpati, Semarang

Central Java, Indonesia, 50229

Email: A [email protected]


(3) Abstract

a) The abstract is a brief and factual, including the purpose of research, research methods, results and conclusions.

b) Abstract written in a single paragraph.

c) Abstract written in two languages (Indonesian and English); abstract length ranging between 200-250 words.

d) Avoid referral and use of abbreviations is not common.


(4) Keyword

a) Keywords consist of 3 to 5 words and / or group of words.

b) Written in alphabetical order

c) Between the keywords separated by a semicolon (;).

d) Avoid many conjunctions (and, with that, and others).


(5) Introduction

a) Avoid writing sub-sub discussion in the introduction.

b) Introduction contains background issues, the problems, the purpose of research, little concept (theory) and related research.

c) The percentage of a page of introduction between 10-15% of the overall length of a manuscript (maximum 2 pages)

d) Reference is written using bodynote writing the name of the author, year of publication, and pages).



(6) Research Methods

a) Inform briefly on the methodology used in the study, including the type of research or approach, type of data and methods of analysis.

b) If you use methods that are already widely known, say the name of the method alone. If necessary, specify a resource to be used as a reference.

c) The method is made in one paragraph.


(7) Results and Discussion

a) The format of the results of research and discussion are not separated, given the number of pages available to the authors limited.

b) The results can be presented with the support of tables, graphs or images as needed, to clarify the presentation of the results verbally.

c) Description of images / graphics placed under Image / Graph / Chart that, while the Title table placed upon it. The title begins with a capital letter.

d) Do not repeat write the numbers that have been embedded in images, graphs, charts or tables in the text for discussion. If would emphasize the results obtained should be presented in other forms, such as the percentage or the difference. To demonstrate the desired number, refer to the table containing just these numbers.

e) Material discussion mainly concerned whether the results are consistent with the hypothesis ( pre judgment ) or not, and put forward the argument.

f) Citations to references in the discussion using literature review.

g) Citation of research or opinion of others should be extracted and written in his own words (do not use exactly the same sentence).


(8) Conclusions

a) The conclusions should be an answer on the question of research

b) Written in the form of one-paragraph essay, not in numerical form.


(9) Acknowledgements

Contains gratitude to donor agencies, or individuals who have helped in the implementation of the research and writing of the manuscript.


(10) Bibliography

a) References listed in the bibliography is simply a reference that actually cited in the manuscript.

b) For research articles, references are cited at least 45% of scientific journal articles.

c) Recency of scientific journals are cited must be considered, at least the results of relevant publications in the last 5 years.

d) The references are arranged alphabetically by author name in alphabetical order.

e) Provisions author's name: the name displayed is the last name (surname) author abbreviation followed by the first name (and middle if any). If the author of more than one person, the same way of writing.

f) Provisions writing reference titles such as scientific papers, unpublished ( un-published ), books, journals, conference papers or articles off: beginning with a capital letter in each word constituent, (except conjunctions). Special title journal articles, capital letters only for the beginning of a sentence.

g) writing punctuation marks at the end of the name, year, title of the article and so end with a dot (.) before continuing the next word. Special writing of volume (number) of the journal by a colon (:) without spacing.

h) Provision of writing a bibliography based on the type of reference:


  1. Scientific journals

If the source of literature in the form of a scientific journal article, written following order: Name of the author. Year. Article Title. Name Journal (Journal name typed italics). Volume (Number): Page.


Arifin, S. 2010. Determination of Land Border Point Stakes Indonesia-Malaysia. Journal of Legal Studies 11 (4): 81-84.


2. Books

(A). Writer Single

If the source of literature, like text books by a single author, written following order: Author's Name (first name, followed by last name). Year. Book Title (Title Printed Book Italic). Edition (if any). Cities Publisher: (colon) Name of the Issuer.


Soekanto, S. 1983. Factors Affecting Law Enforcement . Jakarta: Rineka Reserved.


(B). Author of more than one

If the source of literature, like text books by the author of more than one, written following order: Author's Name (first name, last name and the name followed by subsequent authors written normal). Year. Book Title (Title Printed Book Italic). Edition (if any). Cities Publisher: (colon) Name of the Issuer.


Bird, Kai, and Martin J. Sherwin. 2005. American Prometheus: The Triump and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer . New York: Alfred A Knopf.


(C). The author of more than two

The way of writing follows the pattern of a single writer writing followed all of the author's name and writing conditions are the same.


Appleby, Joyce, Lynn Hunt and Margaret Jacob. 1994.  Telling the truth about history . New York: WW Norton & Company.


(D) Books translation

If the source library of books written translation follows the order: First Author's Name. Translation Year Book. Book Title Translation (title of book in italics).Edition (if any). Translation (Name Translator). City: Name of the Issuer, (comma) Publisher.


Triggss, G. and Presscott. 2011. Border International A State . Translation K. Padmawinata. Semarang: PANDECTA Press.


(E) Books Anthology

If the source library of books anthologies (collection of articles) written following order: Name Author Pages. Year. Article Title (written upright). The title of the book (the book title in italics). Cities Publisher: Publisher Name.


Pujiono. 1999. Dispute Resolution Business in Central Jakarta District Court. Dynamics of Contemporary Business Law . Semarang: FH Unnes.


3. Proceedings

If the source of literature written in the form of articles in the proceedings following the order: Name of the author. Year. Article Title (written upright). Seminar title (in italics). Implementation Seminar place. Implementation time.


Yudhanti, R. 2011. Protection of Migrant workers in Labour Law System in Indonesia. Proceedings of the National Seminar . Faculty of Law UNNES. 20 November 2011.


4. Scientific Publications photo

If the source of literature in the form of scientific papers are not published (eg thesis, dissertations and research reports), written following order: Name of the author. Year. Title Writing (Print Italics). Project Name Research. The issuing agency / institution, City of Publisher.


Waspiah. 2009. Protection Simple Patent Products For SME in Tegal . Thesis. Postgraduate Program Diponegoro University, Semarang.


  1. Newspaper Articles

If the source of literature in the form of articles in newspapers / magazines public, written following order: Name of the author. Article Title (Written upright).Name of Newspaper / Magazine (in italics). City: Date, Month and Year of Publication and pages. Title of article in italics.


Shamsuddin, A. 2008. The discovery of the Law or Chaos Behavior? Compass . Jakarta. January 4, 2008. hlm.16


  1. articles Online

Where literature sources such as journal articles online, written by order of: Name of the author. Year. Article Title (Written italics). Website address. <Date downloaded>.


Tuhulele, P. 2009. Urgency Naming Island . <downloaded dated July 2, 2010>.


  1. Articles without author

If the source of literature in the form of articles which no author's name, then written following order: Anonymous. Year. Tulisa title (written Italics). Cities Publisher: (colon) Name of the Issuer.


Anonymous. 2015. Settlement of the State Border . Jakarta: Sinar Grafika.

Writing for a variety of other sources of writing the same pattern.



Copyright Notice

Authors who submit to this conference agree to the following terms:
a) Authors retain copyright over their work, while allowing the conference to place this unpublished work under a Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows others to freely access, use, and share the work, with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and its initial presentation at this conference.
b) Authors are able to waive the terms of the CC license and enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution and subsequent publication of this work (e.g., publish a revised version in a journal, post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial presentation at this conference.
c) In addition, authors are encouraged to post and share their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) at any point before and after the conference.

Privacy Statement


The names and email addresses entered in this conference site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this conference and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

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