Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer

Laman ini berisi prosiding yang dihasilkan pada Seminar Nasional Ilmu Komputer (SNIK) Jurusan Ilmu Komputer FMIPA Universitas Negeri Semarang. SNIK dilakukan secara berkala setahun sekali.

Kegiatan seminar dirancang sebagai wahana terjadinya interaksi profesional antar komunitas bidang ilmu komputerdi Indonesia untuk saling bertukar pikiran, pengetahuan, pengalaman, dan gagasan untuk mengakselerasi pengembangan penelitian di bidang ilmu komputer.

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Seminar Nasional MIPA

Tujuan penyelenggaraan Seminar Nasional ini adalah untuk mengambangkan budaya akademik di lingkungan kampus; meningkatkan kualitas terbitan jurnal ilmiah di FMIPA Unnes dan UIN Walisongo; serta meningkatkan jejaring antar perguruan tinggi. Seminar Nasional MIPA tahun 2016 akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 5 November 2016 di ruang seminar FMIPA Unnes Gedung D12 lantai 3. Seminar nasional tahun ini diselenggarakan bekerjasama dengan UIN Walisongo dan UKSW Salatiga sebagai perguruan tinggi mitra.
Seluruh artikel yang diseminarkan dalam seminar nasional MIPA tahun 2016 ini akan diutamakan untuk dipublikasikan di jurnal ilmiah elektronik yang ada di FMIPA Unnes dan UIN Walisongo, antara lain: Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education (UJME); Jurnal Kreano; Unnes Journal of Mathematics (UJM); Jurnal Fisika; Indonesian journal of Chemical Science (IJCS); Informatics; LIfe-Science; Jurnal MIPA; Unnes Journal of Science Education (USEJ); dan Journal of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Research (JNSMR). Seluruh jurnal telah terindeks di Google Scholar dan DOAJ.

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International Conference on Clinical Legal Education

The clinical method allows students to confront the uncertainties and challenges of problem solving for clients in fora that often challenge precepts regarding the rule of law and justice. Perhaps one of the most serious failings in contemporary legal education is that all too many students graduate with a vast doctrinal base of knowledge sealed within a context that is not translatable into practice. In the past twenty years, law schools have started to develop new models and approaches for integration of clinical methodology throughout the law school curriculum. Through Clinical Legal Education students are expected to not only know the theories of law but able to practice them in the real cases.

This conference calls the academics, lawyers, students, judges, prosecutors, police, government officials, researchers and NGO activists to present their works related to the topic of this conference.

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Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) Program Pascasarjana (PPs) Unnes dan PPs Unnes bekerja sama dengan perguruan tinggi di berbagai kabupaten/kota/provinsi akan mengadakan seminar nasional secara serentak se-Indonesia. Seminar akan digelar Rabu, 30 Maret 2016 pukul 07:30 – 16.00 WIB di auditoium kampus Sekaran Unnes (live) dan ruang Pancowati Hotel Patrajasa Semarang (streaming).

Seminar yang bertema  “Akselerasi Inovasi Pendidikan dalam Membentuk Karakter Bangsa” ini akan memecahkan Rekor Museum Rekor Indonesia (MURI) dengan kategori penyelenggaraan seminar dengan jumlah kabupaten/kota/provinsi terbanyak. Seminar menampilkan pembicara Dr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (Presiden RI 2004 – 2-14) dan Rektor Unnes Prof. Dr. Fathur Rokhman, M.Hum.

Dengan biaya Rp150.000, 00 per peserta atau  Rp350.000,00 per pemakalah pendamping dengan proseding ber-ISBN, peserta akan mendapat fasilitas, materi seminar, seminar kits, tas seminar, kudapan, makan siang, dan sertifikat. Bagi pemakalah, format template artikel dapat diunduh di sini.

Pendaftaran dapat dilakukan di Sekretariat BEM PPs Unnes  Gedung  A kampus PPs Unnes Bendan Ngisor atau lewat Aidit D.N. 0899-2231-099 dan PIN 5d61b8ac.

Menurut keterangan Ketua Panitia Indra Kurniawan, mahasiswa PPs Unnes  baik S2 maupun S3 angkatan 2014 dan 2015 wajib mengikuti kegiatan tersebut.

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Seminar Budaya Kemaritiman

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International Conference on Education, Concept, and Application of Green Technology

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Education, Concept, and Application of Green Technology

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Seminar Nasional Evaluasi Pendidikan (SNEP ), merupakan seminar berkelanjutan yang diselenggarakan oleh Prodi S2 Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan (PEP) PPs Unnes.  SNEP I dilaksankan pada  tahun 2013. Tema yang diangkat berkaitan dengan isu-isu terkini  yang terkait dengan PEP.  SNEP dirancang sebagai ajang saling tukar pikiran, pengetahuan, pengalaman, dan gagasan berkaitan dengan penelitian dan evaluasi pendidikan, bagi dosen, guru, mahasiswa, praktisi pendidikan dan stakeholder.

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Management Dynamics Conference

Setiap organisasi menghadapi lingkungan yang dinamis. Lingkungan eksternal organisasi merupakan kekuatan yang mendorong terjadinya perubahan. Di sisi lain, organisasi secara internal merasakan adanya kebutuhan akan perubahan. Oleh karena itu, setiap organisasi menghadapi pilihan antara berubah atau mati tertekan oleh kekuatan perubahan. Di antara para pakar ada yang menyebut faktor pendorong perubahan ini sebagai kebutuhan akan perubahan (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2001; Hussey, 2006). Sementara itu, kebutuhan akan perubahan lebih bersifat faktor internal organisasi, sedangkan kekuatan untuk perubahan dapat bersumber dari faktor eksternal dan internal.

Management Dynamics Conference – MADIC National Seminar and Call for Paper 2015 diproyeksikan menjadi sebuah event nasional dan internasional kedepannya dalam bidang manajemen dan bisnis yang bertujuan untuk menjadi salah satu sarana bagi para akademisi dan praktisi untuk saling berbagi pengetahuan hasil penelitian, kajian teoritis dan pengalaman best pratices di bidang manajemen dan bisnis.

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International Seminar on Public Health and Education

The second International Seminar on Public Health and Education, meeting in Semarang City, Indonesia this 23rd day of April 2015, hereby presents this time for discussing “The Role of Evidence Based Research in Public Health, Health Education, and Promotion Decision Making”. This conference was primarily a response to growing expectations for a new public health movement around the region and the globe.

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Unnes International Conference on Research Inovation dan Commercialitation for Better Life

Dalam rangka mewujudkan visi Universitas Negeri Semarang (Unnes) menjadi Universitas Konservasi Bertaraf Internasional maka melalui Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) menyelenggarakan 1st Unnes International converence on research inovation and commercialitation (UICRIC) for the better life 2015 yang bertujuan untuk peningkatkan jumlah publikasi penelitian dan peningkatan atmosfer akademik melalui peningkatan kualitas karya-karya penelitian sehingga harapannya terjadi hilirisasi hasil-hasil penelitian untuk dapat diproduksi secara masal sebagai upaya untuk peningkatan kesejahteraan hidup masyarakat. Adapun ruang lingkup kluster-kluster penelitian yang akan disajikan dalam seminar internasional ini antara lain yaitu: inovasi pendidikan, science dan teknologi, peningkatan sumber daya dan kualitas hidup, konservasi, serta seni, budaya dan humaniora.

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This conference is the second series of conference that is aimed to bring together experts from mathematics and science field. The conference will address the implications of this research and promote scientific and community collaboration. It provides an opportunity to enhance understanding of the relationships between knowledge and research related to mathematics and science.

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Early Childhood Education for Future Asia: Issues and Challenges

Semarang Early Childhood Research and Education Talks (SECRET) is a biennial conference sponsored and held by the Department of Early Childhood Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, Semarang State University. Its name is taken from the city of Semarang, the capital of Central Java Province, which is also the home-base of the Semarang State University. SECRET is an open learning space for early childhood practitioners, educators, and teachers, researchers and academics as well as policy makers to share their knowledge, research and best practices. SECRET programs include seminars, workshops, parallel paper presentation, childcare/school visits, and cultural performance. Launched for the first time in 2012, the conference was attended not less than 350 domestic and international participants.

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International Conference on Education and Social Sciences

Indonesia encounters several environmental and moral decadence issues. Some of those environmental issues are flood, landslides, forest fires, and others. In addition, the existence of drug abuse, promiscuity, binge-drinking, and corruption also shows that Indonesia faces the crisis of moral decadence. These problems must be solved with the right approach in order to gain precise solution. One approach that can be used is a "social conservation" approach.


Social conservation is viewed as a social perspective to the existing environmental and social issues. Social studies on conservation are essential to respond the environmental problems, poor implementation of environmental ethics, and public indifference toward environmental and moral issues. Social approach in responding the environmental and moral decadence problems which are summarized in social conservation has an important role to address the existing environmental and moral decadence issues because both issues are closely related to human involvement as the actors.


Social conservation aims to develop attitudes, behavior, and habituation within a loving community in maintaining, preserving, and implementing the values and norms of life which are believed to be true and accepted as a guide for the society and nation. The implementation of social conservation as an attempt to inculcate noble values is relevant to the efforts of national character development. Both aspects become an integral part because their existence reinforces each other. Therefore, the effort to strengthen social conservation is in accordance with the development of national character.

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The 1st International Conference on Economics, Education, Business, and Accounting (ICEEBA-2016) is the Annual Conference which aims at presenting the current research on Economics, Education, Business and Accounting. It  aims to bring together researchers, scientists, economists, practitioners and scholar students to exchange and share their knowledge, experiences, new ideas, innovations, and research results. This conference expects as a platform for becoming leading actors in global economy.

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